This past winter has been a winter of my soul as well. Bleak and dismal. Just going through the motions and not feeling the joy I so long for. Feeling closed up inside with a waiting, a longing of the hope of better days to come.
It's around the corner. There are signs. The migratory geese have been making their way north right overhead in an amazing amount of numbers. Thousands and thousands of them. Many of them the Snow Geese that I love. Beautiful birds.
A couple of weeks ago I began noticed a bunch of sloppy looking splats of bird droppings and was a bit confused at what exactly they could be.
A "splat" on our car.
And then one day a huge flock flew overhead and began wheeling around, changing directions. DH said "I don't think we should stay here in the line of fire!" Lightbulb. ;-)
There are other tiny signs of spring here and there if one knows where to look.
The crocus bulbs I planted last fall.
Daffodil bulbs popping up.
Tiny red buds on the Japanese Roses I planted
last fall.
The Maple trees have been budding and the sap has visibly been flowing as it drips off the trees when the temperatures rise (which isn't often!). I plan to tap them next year and see what happens with that. It would be great if we could end up with enough syrup for our family. They are Black Maples not Sugar Maples--but they do make quite a bit of sap too.
We were hoping that since March came in like a lion that it would go out like a lamb. Old Man Winter sure must be having a good laugh as we are expecting significant snow accumulation this weekend. We've heard reports of anywhere from 2 inches to 12 inches. BIG HUGE SIGH!!!!
Remember last year when I was whining about how hot it was and I took this picture of the girls who were trying to keep cool??...
This time last year it was in the mid 80s!!!
1 comment:
praying the snow isn't much and spring is just right around the corner. My lilies are blooming ...
You made me remember something... the other day when I was on my walk with Skip ... I too, heard geese over head. We stopped and watched them. :)
Thanks for helping me remember all the special things I did with our sweet dog these last few days with him!
love you.
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