Friday, April 30, 2010

The Garlic Bed

As promised, here's that picture of the garlic bed now...

Isn't it gorgeous???  Right before December we had a real warm spell and the garlic sprouted up.  I was concerned that I would lose it all--but it continued to grow all through winter.  Even when there was snow and ice covering the ground, those green stalks never even noticed!!  And now here they are.  They should be ready around late June or so. 

Last year, after harvesting, I hung the bulbs up to dry over my valance curtain rod behind the kitchen table.  Since I planted about 3 times more than usual this last fall I'll need to find a different place to dry them this year.  I'm not complaining!!  I'm hoping that I'll have some to share. 

Oh, I also got a nice picture of our Great Pyrenees puppy Daisy...

She's so pretty!!  And finally learning some manners!!

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