Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fun Visits and a Birthday

Hey there all!! I've got a few minutes and thought I would post a bit of an update.

Been lots going on around these parts. We had the cousins (my Dear Sister's 6 kids) over for a whopping 10 days of nonstop fun and noise. No matter how we tried, we could not keep up with the dishes, laundry or food this time. The oldest kids stayed up many nights (ALL night) playing computer strategy games (networking) together. One of the best advantages of homeschooling. You can throw out the schedule when good things come up. Anyway, everyone had a great time.

Son #2 went in for more filming on the Lost set. He's hoping to keep a low profile so they can use him a lot. It'll be like, "Hey look, there's my shoulder"!! Or something like that. No matter. He's enjoying himself a lot with it and fulfilling a dream to boot. :-) Between the days that he's working on the Lost set, his GED classes, and working at the convenience store, he stays pretty busy. I nag him to keep his blog updated but he keeps handing me this "I'm so busy" line.

I do believe that the groundhog might've fibbed a bit this year. We are definitely having an early spring!! I'm not complaining, mind you. I love being able to get out early and do out of doors stuff. Between storms I've managed to get my peas planted and my strawberries cleaned out a bit. Still no luck in getting the potatoes in since it was too wet to muck around in the mud to get them planted. I'm still hoping though.

We did get some snow a couple of days ago. Nothing appears to be affected by the cold so I'm still hoping to see a harvest from the plum and peach trees that have already bloomed. Our orchard is looking so promising.

One of my shelves of seedlings got knocked over a few days ago. All of my painstakingly labeled plants are now jumbled up. They were flowers, tomatoes and peppers. Some of them were destroyed, but fortunately most of them were fine. I just don't know which varieties of the tomatoes and peppers are which. Ah, a mystery garden this year!!! I had planted a bunch of mixed heirloom tomatoes anyway so I guess it's not so bad. I'll figure it all out when they ripen.

With the warmer weather my Dear Husband has been taking the kids out to 4 wheel and play in the neighbors creek. Well, not one to do anything small, he got the Jeep stuck and had to give someone with a big tractor a call. Amazingly, he's still playing with last year's "mania" (the Jeep).

Our youngest had his 5th birthday (how did he get so old????). He was really excited about all of his presents and his Spongebob cake. One of the nice things about being in a large family is that you tend to get lots of presents!! :-)

Adorible Grandson liked the cake too!!

So that's what's been going on around our place!! Still haven't fixed my computer yet. Sigh. Stay tuned for more updates and pictures as we head into the weekend with more birthdays!!

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