Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Confession...

I have a confession to make. I love packing suitcases. Weird, I know. Most sane moms I know make their family members pack their own bags. But I prefer to pack everything myself. Even as a child I would pack all that I could when our family went on a trip--my stuff, my sister's stuff, food, whatever.

I know that my children deserve the "privilage" of having learned this skill too, yet here we are. What can I say? Must be my OCD. My house may be a wreck but my suitcases rock!! ;-)

I've been packing for DH and Son #2. It's hard. We're going to miss them so much. I know in my heart that they need this trip--so I suck in my quivering lip and put on my brave face. It's only a month, right? Son #2 is so hoping to get an "extra" part on Lost. DH wants to bike the Island. So much for them to do and see. I feel so excited for them. And yet my heart is heavy too. I'm sure I'm not the only wife and mom to feel this way. Right? I keep telling myself that the time will pass quickly and before I know it, they will be home again. Sniffle, sniffle.
In the meantime... Back to those nagging suitcases!!

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