Thursday, January 31, 2013

My New Love...

I confess here and now, without any shame at all...  I love Pinterest.  I've seen some bloggers slamming Pinterest lately because it makes them feel all aggrivated and frustrated to see how other people are being creative.  And I just don't get that.  Whatever.  When I see a pin from Mary-Sue showing how she crafted her own wrapping paper I don't go "Ugh!  Well, good for you!  Grrr.  Grumble, grumble!"  I think "Cool!  You go girl!!" and I feel inspired.  OK, sometimes I feel too inspired and I want to do all that stuff too!!  :-)  To each her own, right?  So those who feel uncomfortable with Pinterest should just abstain and those who find a treasure trove of ideas can feel free to dive in. 

I've put up a link to my Pinterest boards on my sidebar for anyone who wants to follow me.  I do find so many good garden and craft ideas.  :-)

A case in point...

Yesterday I discovered a neat little article on the Sustainable Kentucky website called 75 Ways to Live More Sustainably in 2013.  I was surprised how "green" our family actually is.  Sometimes it was not by choice to do a certain thing, but circumstances that made the demand.  But that's OK.  However we get there isn't the issue.  Mind you, we'll never hit #55 "Be a nudist".  Lol!!  That's a bit much methinks.  So if you're looking for ideas to be a wiser steward of this ol' earth that our Lord has given us to manage, you can take a peek and see if you find some inspiration.  Don't be afraid to dismiss anything that you feel uncomfortable with or to adopt an idea that rings truth for you.  The Lord leads each of us uniquely.

Until the next time...


Teena said...

I do not spent lots of time on pinterest but love getting ideas from there! Will look at your pins!


GrammyK said...

I don't spend a lot of time on there either. Some days I don't get on at all. Usually I'm on in the evening when DH is watching something or I have a few minutes to sit and just relax. Whenever I start to wonder if I've been on too long someone will inevitably need me for something. :-)