Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fall Is Around The Corner

Happy September everybody!! 

We've been having some rain lately.  Our tally from Isaac was almost 3 inches.  So that was nice.  And not a single gully washer!!  ;-)  There's talk of more rain in the forceast tonight and tomorrow.  Yay!

Everything is greening up nicely again.  Seems odd that normally, at this time of year, everything is turning brown and getting ready for fall.  What's "normal" anymore anyway?  :-P

For DH's birthday and our 31st anniversary this past week we were gifted with some money from DH's parents--and I have gleefully already spent my share of the booty!!  I was wanting to put in some fruits and ornamentals in a few of the limited spots that need some TLC around our place.  We miss our blackberries, raspberries, apples and peaches from the old place and wanted to try to stuff a few things in here at the new place.  I was searching for a small, disease resistant apple tree and discovered a new source of admiration and desire!!...

I bought (pictures are all from their website)...
Liberty Apple Tree
Small tree
Disease resistant
Crisp, sweet and tart.
Self pollinating!!

Elderberry Combo
2 different types for pollination.
Not only are the berries my heart's desire but
the leaves can be dried and crushed to put on
squash plants to repel Squash Bugs!  Yippee!!
Ours at the old place would have bore properly this year.

Dwarf Sand Cherry
Interesting history: A treat for the Westward
Pioneer as they crossed the Prairies.

Pink Rosa Rugosa
I've been wanting some of these for a long time
for those large, edible hips.  :-)

Mixed Butterfly Bush
Sadly, the one that Son #3 bought me for Mother's
Day a few years ago died after I dug it up when we
moved.  :-(

Chinese Wisteria
I've been wanting one of these vines for awhile but
have been afraid of how they can run wild.
I'll have to give it a go and hopefully it'll be

The prices were fantastic!!!  I'm going to go bonkers waiting for them to ship in November though!  :-)  My order qualified for 2 free trees so I'm hoping we'll get something wonderful!!  We shall see.  I'm excited!

Aside from this I am trying to figure out where to plant my fall garden and WHAT to plant.  I saw a neat idea on Pinterest for using an old trampoline frame for a garden coldframe/greenhouse.

The tutorial was at HowDoesShe but I didn't have any luck
getting to it.  I'm surethat DH can figure out how to design it 
easily--It's what he does.  :-)
(when he's having a good
day and isn't doing something else!)
But isn't this cool?!?!
If we decide to do this I will certainly post about it!

Fall is my most absolute favorite time of year!!  So much to do!  How about you?  Do you have any fall dreams or projects in mind?

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