Sunday, May 6, 2012

My "Me" Day (picture heavy!!)

Yesterday I had a "me" day. I spent the day just doing whatever I felt like doing.  Mostly I just kind of walked around with my camera and took pictures of whatever caught my fancy.  (The kiddos were having their own "me" day inside where it was cool and out of camera's reach!)

My Moonshadow Hyacinth is coming along nicely.  All of that "green" on the ground is weeds.  It's trimmed but definitely weeds.  Green is my goal--not weed free.  :-)

The young tendrils are climbing the trellis that I made for them.  I love seeing them reaching out.  I guide them up the strings and watch them grow as they are stimulated by touching those strings.

I make my own Hummingbird nectar without food coloring which is better for the birds.  I prefer to have roosts on my feeders so that they can have a bit of a rest while sipping the nectar.  This feeder has an "ant moat" on top that I fill with water to keep the ants out..
Beautiful Ruby Throated Hummingbird.

Hummingbird Nectar Recipe:
It's an easy 4:1 ratio of water and sugar.  For this size feeder I used...
Measure 1/2 cup of sugar and 2 cups of water into a small pot. 
Boil for 2 minutes (no more than that as it will make the solution too
strong and attract pests).  Let it cool and pour into the feeder.
Easy peasy!  :-)

More Critters...
I'm seeing quite a few of these this year.  Yay!

I went chasing after flutterbys.  :-)
This little winged flower has a chunk missing from it's wing.

Pretty little pale yellow butterfly


Here is one of our garden areas.  We discovered that there was just too much shade in some of the area that we had previously planned to use for our garden.  So we looked around and found some other small sections to work with here and there that gets as much sun as possible.
I've "hilled" the tomato plants.  DH drove the T posts and put on the cages.
There are 13 plants/cages.  I've planted 21 pickling cucumbers (one on each side of the cages--except for one, of course)
to vine up the cage.
There are 2 1/2 more cages for more vining plants here.
I will also find room for some sunflowers too. 
In the next few days I'll be putting down the mulch--newspaper with grass clippings on top.

Fluffy frolicking in the dirt.  She almost laid on one of the baby cucumber plants!!

She's such a unique kitty.

The girls!  I love my chickens!!  The are just the sweetest things and give me the best eggs ever!!

We have this everywhere!!  False strawberries.  They are watery and pretty much tasteless (and tiny!).  I hear that they have medicinal qualities and the leaves make a tea that's very high in vitamin C.  Perhaps someday I'll do something more hands on with them.

A beautiful bloom from my memorial rose bush for our daughter Jessica whom we lost in 1993 at birth.  I can't believe how pretty and dainty even the weeds look in this picture alongside the rose and leaves.  :-)

What do you think of this colorful guy?  Beautiful irredescent colors!!! 
Six Spotted Tiger Beetle.

Bunny Rabbit!!  I hope he stays on THAT side of the fence!!!

This critter sure looks surprised, don't you think.
We found this old bowling ball in an old shed we cleaned out. 
I thought he had such a cute little face!!  :-)

There's fungus amongus!!!

And more fungus...

DH "blading" the driveway.

A nice "bird on a wire" silhouette.

Late afternoon.  Partly cloudy skies but Venus is visable.

The Supermoon emerging from the clouds.

And it disappears again...

It wasn't really this dark but I had to use the manual setting to get a clear picture.   Cloud cover is nearly gone.

Just a few wisps of clouds now.

The beautiful Supermoon!!!

In October (or so) 1993 I was shopping with the children one evening.  All of a sudden, over the treetops emerges a HUGE moon.  Like you see in the pictures.  It's called a "moon illusion".  It was stunning!!  I don't know how many people ever actually get to witness such a thing but I am blessed to have seen such a sight!!  The only thing is...  I want to see another one!!  Gosh I'm greedy!!  :-)
Image: Wikimedia


Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness you are a serious farm girl! Did you stay outside all day to get those pictures? The garden, the bugs, Fluffy is adorable, and I am so sorry about the loss of your baby. sandie♥

Carol............. said...

All your photos are great but that last one is just AWESOME!

jeanlivingsimple said...

I loved this post. I love chickens...they make great pets. Gee...y'all have it made!!!