Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Wet, Chilly Fall

I love fall. Or rather our "normal" Indian Summer type of fall. What we seem to have here is more late fall or early winter weather. Kind of like we just went from the last of September to early November.

So far there haven't been any colorful warm days to take the kiddos to the Nature Center or drive the Jeep with the top off.

We picked newly fallen but black hulled black walnuts in the misty rain and haven't had a chance to take them to be hulled. Wonder if they'll still be ok?

Our first frost came 21 days early. And it's rained way more than normal.

Just goes to show that when it comes to weather, there is no "normal". :-)

Our rain gauge registering nearly
6 inches of rain in a matter of 2 1/2
days last week.

My sweet daughter-in-law has been planning to have a garage sale for some time but life is hectic and pregnancy tends to play a big part in what she's feeling up for. But last weekend we got our stuff together and gave it a whirl. Obviously the weather wasn't the greatest but we did have quite a few customers. We plan to have another go at it this weekend before we pack it all up. It would be nicer to sell it and see it gone than pack it away.

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