Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Ongoing Social Security Saga...

Last week Son #4 received his Social Security card in the mail.  Curiously it was marked, "Not Valid For Employment".  Minutes later my cellphone rang but I couldn't get to it before it went to voicemail.  Turns out that it was the Social Security lady that I've been working with.  She left a message saying that before they could issue Son #4 a card they needed to see more documents and I needed to answer a few more questions.  Sigh.  I called her back the next day and told her that we would bring those documents in the next day and let her know that we had indeed received a card in the mail already.  She was quite confused since the computer said that our case was still pending.

The next day we went into their office and they copied the requested documents and I filled out a 2 1/2 page form telling them WHY I had waited so long to file for Son #4's SSN.  Sigh.  Lack of need.  Laziness.  Procrastination.  Poor planning.  Confusion.  Etc...

She said that they had obviously issued him a card as if he were not a US Citizen.  Nice.  Another sigh.  Hopefully the new paperwork will convince them that he is a US Citizen and they will issue him a new card (without the "Not Valid For Employment" emblazoned across it).   

We will wait a couple of weeks in hopes of receiving a new card.  If we don't we have one last "big gun" that will guarantee him a proper card.  We will apply for a passport for him.  If he has a passport the Social Security will issue him a card.  He shouldn't have any trouble obtaining a passport since they accept birth certificates that were filled 5 years after birth.  Grrrrrrr...

Before we left the SS Office this last time the nice lady working with us told us how much she appreciated our patience and our good attitude.  It's not really her fault or even Social Security's.  It's just a speed bump in the road of our lives.  :-)

If worse comes to worse, Son #4 will be able to leave the country in a hurry with little trouble.  ;-)

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