Because I'm not sure what was what when I dug up the garlic out of my old garden late last summer I'm hoping to identify everything when I dig it up this coming summer/fall. The varieties that they could be are...
- Metechi
- Nootka Rose
- Kidwell Heirloom
- Klaver
- Khabar
- Music
- Lorz Italian
- Some kind of bulb that doesn't make cloves. It kind of looks like tulip bulbs. Go figure.
Other than those couple of varieties that I harvested I wasn't able to dig up the others and they came back up on their own in 2011. The bulbs were small and not of good quality but I had to save Travis' garlic. I had hoped to get it in the ground last fall but DH's back wasn't up to using the tiller and so I had to wait. Now it's in and I'm excited to see how it turns out. :-)
I was kind of weirded out that when I was researching the different types of garlic that I have on Google
Images I kept running across my blog and pictures that I had taken of my garlic bed and garlic braid...
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
I loved this braid made from Chet's Italian
(bought from Territorial Seed which I'm not growing)
Oh how good it felt to get my hands into the soil and do some planting!! Good therapy for a troubled soul!! The kids kept commenting how happy I looked after I was finished. ;-) Blissful sigh.
Okay now I feel stupid - I knew there was like...maybe 2 types of garlic...and honestly - garlic is one of the few things I can grow without it just dying! :)
I always tell my kiddos that they're lucky I don't have to grow our food - we'd starve or they'd be super hunters one :)
do you grow other stuff too? Need some seeds? (cause I have TONS :)see - i WANT to garden...i just haven't found what I'm good at yet :)
You do love gardening. Question I have another friend that does too - she has actually worn off her fingerprints - I bet you have too! sandie
Nope! I still have fingertips. I'll have to work on that though!! Then I can take up a life of crime and they can't ID me by my fingerprints!! Ha Ha!!
I'd love to plant garlic. I didn't have success when I tried before. I think they all rotted. I was bummer...I LOVE garlic!!! Finally getting over here as I've seen you've commented on my blog before. You have a fun blog!! Looking forward to following! :)
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