Friday, February 12, 2010

Grandbaby #2 ETA Tomorrow...

If you feel led, please pray for my sweet daughter in law. They are inducing her tomorrow. She's not due for another week or so but she has a blood clotting disorder which can cause stillbirth and the doctors don't want to take that chance. Her labors go fairly easy and she is a champion birther!! :-) But I'm sure extra prayer won't hurt!! TIA!! I'll let you all know how things turn out!

1 comment:

grammy said...

I said a prayer... (o:
By the way... did you have easy labors?
@ out of my three were 30 some hours.
I did like to read about your QuiverFull....pretty button too.
Do your Grandchildren live close? It is such a blessing to have them so close to me.